What’s the Bottom Line? My Dad’s catchphrase, the one he came back to, used to bug me. I fought its simplicity, was irritated by his repetitiveness, preferred the complications.
The Bottom line:
My Dad died almost ten years ago.
He was uncomfortable with difficult emotions.
He worked right up to the end.
He drank too much.
He was imperfect.
The Bottom Line:
My Dad was funny.
He was insightful.
He was devoted to my Mom, his clients, and his family.
He is still with me.
He was and is my Dad.
(Written in 2012)
The Bottom Line:
I love you Dad.
I miss you Dad.
I carry you with me every day.
I know you trust me to take care of Mom.
I will do my best to protect her happiness, health and independence without sacrificing my own.
(Added in 2017)
—excerpt from Living Is for Living: A Caregiver’s Story
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