It was the first time I’d signed a consent form on Mom’s behalf. As I waited for her bone marrow biopsy, I realized I was like a seeing eye dog, only my job was to provide short-term memory. When I told Mom later that I was happy to be her memory dog, she smiled groggily and asked me where my tail was.
—excerpt from Living Is for Living: A Caregiver’s Story
I love shitty tv… it is all I watch! The shittier the better! I call it fluff tv… life is often too heavy… why get bogged down with heavy tv or movies… I need fluff!! Xo
What do you recommend these days?
Oh, Terry, I wish I could be there to help. Called a few days ago and left a message. Even if your Mom does not remember me now, tell her we said hello. You are a wonderful “Memory Dog”.
Thank you for being such a good friend to her xo