AA’s Step Seven: “Humbly asked our Higher Power to remove our shortcomings.” Faith in a Higher Power…It’s what helped me, Mom still in Maine for a bit longer, in another’s care. #thankGodforHannah! (Al-Anon’s Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions)
—excerpt from Living Is for Living: A Caregiver’s Story
You blue boxes are increasing!! I love all the choices to click on! Faith is an interesting thing. Some put peramiters around faith. People may pray to a different higher power… but I believe we all receive the same gift…. faith… hope… strength. I pray these things for you Terry… and to your family. And I feel these prayers from others as well. I love your writing!! I am moving mom to another wing this weekend. She is unsure … but I guide her. I hope I am doing the right thing! She trusts me… that is a lot of pressure. But I go with my gut! And we take it from there!!