Finding me awake and in tears, the nighttime nurse replied, “Your mom is 85. She has a complicated health history, with Alzheimer’s, diverticulitis, kidney disease, infection, limited activity level and dehydration. This clot is so big, it didn’t just happen in travel; this condition’s been developing for a while. This is not on you.” Thanks to her, I went from feeling alone to feeling the love.
—excerpt from Living Is for Living: A Caregiver’s Story
Sweet Terry, you are not alone. And your mother knows the care you have given her and the love that seems to know no limit. You are a saint! We miss you. With love from Wisconsin. The Lappin’s
Keep the faith, Terry. You are doing such a fantastic daughter caregiving job. Wish I could be there to be helpful.
Your comments are helpful – thank you.
As I read this I know how hard it must be, especially having all the what if thoughts. You have been there for your Mom all your life, you are such a loving and caring daughter and friend to your Mom. I think how special it is that you have moved home to Maine and that you have brought your Mom home to her familiar land and other loving families. Hope things do improve for her. Love Always, Nancy
Terry, You are one amazing woman and daughter. I have been reading your thoughts and continue to be in awe of the love and caring you have shown. Any mother would treasure having you as a daughter.
Thank you!
Thanks for helping us to settle in Nancy!