Dear Higher Power, Please help me to take heroic measures to love and care for Mom, to help her continue to live healthy and well – not to prolong the time when she is failing and unwell. Please help me to never give up, and also to let go when the time comes. Please help me to honor Mom while she is alive, and also when she dies. A DNR – natural death – is the right choice – it’s a choice my Mom has made. It’s a choice I agree with. It’s a choice that hurts and relieves. It’s a choice I need to respect. Please help me to find peace with Mom’s DNR. Thy will be done. Amen
—excerpt from Living Is for Living: A Caregiver’s Story
“Forever” is her forever so you can promise that you will be there. I have no words for this one; you have used all the right ones. Both of my parents had DNRs. It was not easy although it was the right thing for them. ❤
You are an amazing daughter! <3 Knowing the "and" helps with the process of letting go of our love ones.
Yes, the “and” sure is helpful!