That first Mother’s Day since Mom died, I looked at our kids with a deep sense of connection, to them and to her, thankful for the understanding that missing Mom wasn’t an “either/or,” it was an “and.” I felt sad and I felt glad.
—excerpt from Living Is for Living: A Caregiver’s Story
You write so beautifully, Terry. Thank you for sharing your journey. xo
Thank you, Mary Ann.
As I read of your journey,I have a sense of Laures reading right along with me.Oh! How proud she must be!
Diane, one of the things that I love is that, even in her last stretch, Mom made a new friend in you – what a blessing – thank you for all the love and kindness you gave her all the way through.
You are a gift to me as a friend. Chaplaincy Institute? Are you studying to become a Chaplain? Much love and thank you for connecting all of your words together and taking us into your heart.
Robin, my friend, from long ago : ) yes, an interfaith chaplain