I’ve been called many things by those who are supposed to know me best:
“hypersensitive”, “too emotional”, even “nuts.”
Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever get to a place where their words don’t cause me pain.
Probably not…that’s one of the costs of being:
“hypersensitive”, “too emotional”, even “nuts.”
Here are some things I’ve realized, moving back to where I’m from:
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I don’t need to be loved by everybody, just by some.
I can choose those who accept sensitivity, emotionality and even nuttiness.
I can live with the anger I feel at expectations unmet,
the fear I feel at being judged, and the sadness I feel at being rejected.
I can take care of me, even when it’s difficult –
exercise, hydration, nutrition, sleep, writing, friendship, animals, family, faith –
The healing these bring is within reach.
This is the way to take care of me, not believing what I am told when I am not who others want me to be.
“Hypersensitive”, “too emotional”, even “nuts” – yes!
With these three things, I’ve been blessed.
—from Living Is for Living: A Caregiver’s Story